
What's New with JumpStart this June?

We're only eight days into June, and already it's been quite a month...

We had a wonderful Festival of music, yoga and more organized by longtime program collaborator Heidi Romanish (see our previous post), and raised more than $600 along the way for our school-year programming in Rincón Grande de Pavas. We are still raising funds - please visit us here to donate online today.

Musician Mario Tanzi and his band entertain the crowd at the June 7th Festival for Rincón Grande.
We're gearing up for our mid-year environmental English camp at the Los Coyotes Reserve near San José for the second year running, thanks this year to a partnership with Northeastern University. Watch this space for updates. 

And we're continuing to plan for our camps in January 2015! Much, much more to follow.