Our Donors

The Costa Rica Multilingüe Foundation is deeply grateful to all of the institutions, businesses and individuals who have supported JumpStart Costa Rica, an initiative completely financed by donations. (Visit “How to Help” on our website to learn how you can support the project.) The donors below supported our 2012, 2013 and 2014 camps; we will add the names of our 2015 camp supporters in early 2015.

Oro/Gold (Patrocinio Completo/Full-Camp Sponsorship):
§  Amazon
§  The Burgess Fund
§  The CRUSA Foundation/U.S. Peace Corps
§  The Embassy of the United States of America in Costa Rica
§  El Mangroove
§  Fundación Monge
§  Santa Elena Reserve
§  University of Wolverhampton
§  World Connect Foundation

§  BuckleySandler LLP
§  Schwab Charitable Fund
§  David and Anne Stanley – In Honor of Diane Stanley
§  Sara Emley and John Stanley
§  St. Paul’s School
§  Universidad Florencio de Castillo

§  Joan Acosta – In Honor of Diane Stanley
§  Bobbie Anderson
§  Sylvia Arias
§  Barbara Barba-Gamel
§  Ann Becker
§  Bee Sweet
§  Blue Valley School – National Honor Society
§  Darrell Brown
§  BuckleySandler LLP
§  Janet Burke
§  Kevin Carr
§  Rod Christison
§  Mark Ciani
§  Thomas Clark
§  David De Lyser
§  Roberta Decker-Kigner
§  Joan Ritchie Dewer
§  Thomas Ferris
§  Alejandro Frank
§  Maryann Frietsch
§  Deborah Galaty
§  José García
§  Ana Geller
§  Adriane Gelpi
§  Grupo COMECA
§  Lucy Haagen
§  Jennifer Hock
§  Elizabeth Ann Holland – In Memory of Mr. Francis Holland
§  Idioma Internacional
§  Miriam Jebe
§  Marie Kidder
§  Ruth Kloock
§  Heather Mace
§  Jeffrey Martinez
§  Mary Master
§  Dorothy McKittrick
§  Edward McWilliams
§  Haydee Mendiola
§  Greg Moldow
§  Meghan Mott
§  Nadine Mott
§  Dan Nigrosh
§  Notre Dame Alumni Association
§  Jeffrey Pop
§  Martin Ribaudo
§  Andrew Ribaudo
§  Amanda Roberson
§  Cathy Robertson
§  Heidi Romanish – In Honor of Rincón Grande
§  Gary Rossi
§  Benjamin Russell
§  Patricia Rutter
§  Greg Sams
§  Athena Sartin
§  Blake Schmidt
§  Elana Scudder
§  SE Michigan PCV
§  James Shaughnessy
§  Cameron Smith
§  Ximena Soley
§  Carolyn Spitz
§  David and Anne Stanley
§  John Stanley and Sara Emley
§  Tom Stanley
§  Tim Starck – In Honor of Darien Combs
§  Adam Steinman
§  Tirimbina Lodge
§  Erron Titus
§  Eric VanderVorste
§  Anne VanderVorste
§  Sandra Wenholz
§  Tim Weston
§  Kristen Woodruff

Donaciones en especie/In-Kind Donations:
§  Bee Sweet
§  Marta Blanco
§  Blue Valley School
§  Casa Presidencial
§  Grupo Publicitario
§  Feria Verde de Aranjuez
§  Jiménez y Tanzi
§  Ministerio de Educación Pública
§  MQC Photo
§  Heidi Romanish
§  Jenifer Soto Acosta
§  Katherine Stanley