is a semi-rural community of about 2,500 residents located in the Nicoya
Peninsula of Costa Rica. While small businesses and agriculture are the main
sources of income for many, tourism is becoming more prominent and is
potentially a great source of income. The location of Hojancha, in the
peninsula between two coasts, has made the learning of English essential to
cater to tourists.
Hojancha has never hosted a JumpStart camp before, the youth are very excited
to get started and to learn English! In 2015, we will be working with 4
schools: 2 “urban” schools who receive English two times a week, and 2 “rural”
schools who have had very little exposure to English. One school uses a
traveling English teacher who visits once a week and the other school simply
does not have an English teacher. These young learners are at a crucial stage
in their education where they may contemplate dropping out of school or they
may see the benefits an education could bring. Our purpose is to show these
students the importance of education and how it contributes to them being
successful, working adults in the future.
Amidst a
town that experiences social problems such as drug use and teen pregnancy,
Hojancha is a community that wants and needs opportunities like JumpStart Costa
Rica for its youth. Parents, teachers, and community members are highly
motivated to offer these students a chance to participate in an extra
curricular activity, enjoy learning a new language, and give them a chance at a
better life through new opportunities.
Pictured below: Students learning volleyball. Photo with Emily, the PCV in Hojancha.