After five months of Peace Corps preparation and over a year of preparation for Costa Rica Multilingue, Jump Start camps have kicked off across the country. ¡DALE!
After all these months of seemingly endless work to get the Jump Start camp put into place, seeing all of the kids' faces and getting a slight glimpse into their personalities has validated all reasoning for carrying out Jump Start Osa. Today's camp started off with an extraordinary amount of enthusiasm from volunteers and students with the famous Human Knot dínamica. It was a simple way to judge students' willingness to work together and watch them problem solve while getting to know and trust each other. As we progress through our English camp, we want the students to develop a relationship with each other as they are all heading into high school together this year. After the dínamica, of course everyone was soaked with sweat and all ready to learn some English with PCVs Barton, Jon, and Carl, and EVOLC volunteers Molly and Emily!
Learning English is one of the most important life decisions that can positively change the trajectory of a Jimegüense's life. The tourism industry on the Osa peninsula accounts for the largest source of income for all families. The importance of learning English is something that continually needs to be reinforced for younger students coming into Puerto Jimenez Technical High School. Jump Start Osa is making English more accessible and the journey of becoming multilingual a more realistic possibility. Without the support of Costa Rica Multilingue, local donors, Peace Corps, and EVOLC this dream wouldn't have been attainable for many local students.
Thank you for the continual support! For any questions regarding Jump Start Osa, please send an e-mail to